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Unit 1 Introduction to Biology

Essential Standard: Each student will design and conduct investigations, analyze data to draw conclusions, communicate findings using appropriate methodology/technology, and identify how science and technology impact society.

Learning Targets:

  1. Describe the contributions of scientists, and recognize scientists collaborate and may modify explanations over time as a result of new evidence

  2. Analyze an experiment, identify the components (i.e., independent variable, dependent variable, control of constants, multiple trials) and explain their importance to the design of a valid experiment

  3. Design a controlled investigation using scientific methods

  4. Analyze, interpret, and determine validity/reliability of scientific investigations to formulate reasonable conclusions

  5. Communicate the results through a variety of technical writing

  6. Identify how technological developments have enabled scientific discoveries

  7. Evaluate how technological advancements have affected human lives

  8. Gather relevant, credible information from multiple sources and integrate information into the writing while avoiding plagiarism

  9. Conduct investigations using scientific techniques and tools

  10. Analyze a set of data by calculating mean, median, mode, and range

  11. Create appropriate graphical representation of processed data


* Italicized learning targets will be addressed throughout the course

Important Links/Documents:


Topic 1:


Language of Science Quizlet



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